Friday, February 22, 2013


This week we talked about healthy bodies and how to keep our self healthy. We focused a few days on dentist and our teeth. Here are a few things we did this week that the children really seem to enjoy.

We played a dice game where the rolled 1-2 dice and had to count the dots. Once the knew the number they rolled they had to count out the same amount of cavities to place on the tooth mat.

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During our class discussion about how to we cleaned our teeth. The children talked about flossing and using floss to go between their teeth. We used egg carton to represent our teeth, yarn for floss, baking soda,glue,yellow paint, and water to create the food and gunk that is in between our teeth. Place the gunk between each egg holder like our teeth and tape egg carton to table so that it stays in place. Allow the children to practice flossing the gunk out of the teeth.

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The children also had the chance to create toothpaste and use tooth brushes to paint/brush the teeth picture. The enjoyed this project and spent a long time trying to turn their yellow teeth white.

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Using a construction paper cut out a half circle large (black) and small (red) to create the bottom of a mouth. Using clay as the gum place on top of cut out to create the bottom of the mouth. Using white beans for teeth and number cards. Have the children pull a number card and count out the teeth to match the number and place in the gums of their pretend mouth.

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